Friday, June 29, 2007

Cat, Cupid


Tonight after ordering drinks, a lady at one of my tables looked up at me and smiled. "I have sort of a silly question for you," she said. "Can I ask it?"

"Sure," I said. I thought it would be a silly question about the food, and I was prepared for whatever she was about to throw at me.

"Well," she said, "we're traveling. We've got this cat, and it's in the car. A kitten, really. It's in a carrier and all, but we hate to leave it out there. Do you think we could just bring the cat in the restaurant while we eat?"

I blinked. Then I blinked again. I was thinking, Oh. My. God. And then I had to take a minute out of my life to explain to these people why they couldn't bring their cat into a restaurant. I will never get that minute or those words back.


One of the waitresses at work--this would be the one who likes to walk around the kitchen with her white shirt hitched up so the boys can see her boobs, the one who finds any excuse to use the word bone as a verb, to use the phrase ho-bag as a term of endearment--was discussing her man problems. Everyone at this place has man problems (or, if they are a dishwasher or a cook, girl problems), but this waitress's boy problems are impressive in their problematic-ness.

"I'm becoming a lesbian," she announced last week. "Seriously. That's it. I'm through. I'm a full-on lesbian now."

But this week she seems mellowed. She seems almost ready for another boy. So I announced that
my brother was single. Then I said something that I never expected to come out of my mouth.

"And he's not bad looking," I said. Admitting that was torture.

"He's pretty nice," I continued. "He's sort of a royal cranky bitch when he's hungry, but if you keep him fed, he's a pretty okay kid. Also, he's building a bar for our cabin. Not bad, huh?"

The waitress wanted to see a picture. I said okay. I texted my brother and told him to send a picture of himself immediately, which he did. The picture he chose to send was a picture where he is making a funny face, a surprised face. It was a goofy picture, but it showed him for who he is. I flipped the phone in the direction of the waitress.

"There," I said.

"OH MY GOD!" the waitress squealed.

"Oh no," I said.


"Oh no."

The waitress started jumping up and down. "Oh my God," she said. "I think I just wet my pants! He's hot!"

"Okay, no. Stop. That's gross."

She ran out of the room, and we could hear her squealing in the other room.

"Listen," I said to the cooks and dishwashers, "I know he's not unfortunate looking, but that's a lot of fuss."

"He's cute," one of the cooks said.

"Blecch," I said.

The waitress launched back into the room. "Send him a picture of me!" she said. "Here, I'll send you one."

We sent it. We waited. I walked out to my tables, checked things over, came back behind the line. We looked at my inbox, and there was a message from my brother. Oh, it said, she is real cute.

There was more squealing then, but for some reason I found myself supporting it. I found myself even picking up the phone and calling my brother to see if he wanted to come out to the diner to meet this girl.

"He's nice," I said. "He's a good guy. He's a good friend." Each admission made me want to vomit a little more in my mouth, but I somehow refrained, and I somehow managed to work it so that sometime next week my brother will breeze into the diner for a milkshake and the waitress will appear from the back with her not-usually-done hair actually done (You'll have to tell me exactly which day he's coming in, she said. I'll need to actually do my hair. Unlike today. Here, I'll take it out of the ponytail. It won't move. Ready? Watch. See? Awesome, huh?) and she and her straight hair will woo my brother and bring him chicken wings or a
beef on weck and they will live happily ever after.

Or until they get in each other's pants.

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