Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Heaven! Heaven! Heaven!

Seventy-five research papers corrected in five days.

Seventy-five research papers handed back today.

To celebrate my accomplishment (and my return, which will happen tomorrow, to the world of humans and polite society), I will now post one of my favorite pictures ever--not so much for my outfit choice (khaki shorts and an old sweatshirt borrowed from Katy), but for the fact that it was one of my last days in Minnesota and we chose to spend it at the porn store.

This photo once again proves that I am Sexy Fun.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


KC in Katoland said...

Could you also let everybody know that I am wearing the boy's sweatshirt and am not 400 pounds?

Appreciate it.

Jess said...

Dear All,

Katy is not 400 pounds. She chose a poor outfit. But we were only going to the porn store, which is staffed by stoned men who couldn't care less if we spend 50 minutes giggling about blow-up sheep or THE FIST.


Anonymous said...

She looks especially swanky in the chest.